Project Update: May 17th

Terminal Projects

  • Restaurant basement excavation is almost complete.
  • Fire suppression system is being installed in Holdroom & Security Checkpoint.
  • Interior fireproofing is complete.
  • Underground duct work is nearly complete.


Runway Project

  • We are at Day 37 of our 78 Day Runway Project (half way this Thursday!)
  • Installation of the exterior slot drains have been completed.
  • Relocation of major FAA Navigational Aids have been completed (for those interested pilots out there): MALS, PAPIs, Glideslope, Localizer
  • Milling and removal of the entire runway and Taxiways A1 and A4 is complete.
  • Rebuilding the base courses for the new runway and Taxiways A1 and A4 has begun.



  • Compacting the runway subbase.