JH Airport Board Meeting Location Changed – Airport Pauses Public Programs


March 13, 2020

JH Airport Board Meeting Location Changed, Airport Pauses Public Programs

Jackson, Wyoming – The March Airport Board meeting on Wednesday March 18th will now be held at the Teton County Commissioners Chambers on Willow Street at 9:00 am on Wednesday, March 18th.

As the Airport Board Room does not have live-streaming capability, and the Airport wanted to ensure that members of our community who wanted to “attend” the March Airport Board meeting, but wish to avoid crowds, have the option to view the meeting from home. All written comments that have been made or are received by 12pm on March 17th will be included in the Airport Board record and will be reviewed by the Airport Board. Public comments may be submitted by email at board@jhairport.com.

The change in meeting venue to accommodate live streaming was prompted by Covid-19, and the recommendation of health officials that people practice social distancing.  This is particularly for those over 65 or who have an underlying health issue.

“Since the Teton County Commissioners Chambers have excellent live-stream capabilities, we are very happy they agreed to let us hold our March meeting in their chambers,” says JH Airport Board President Jerry Blann. “This will provide an opportunity for community members who are taking extra precautions during this time to attend the meeting electronically.”

The Jackson Hole Airport remains open and will continue to operate while taking important measures to protect our community, staff, stakeholders and airport users. However, the Airport will pause public programs held in the terminal to reduce public congestion.  This is two weeks earlier than they would normally be commenced at the end of the busy winter season.

To ensure the health and safety of the traveling public and community, the Airport is taking steps to ensure a strategic response to COVID-19 and continues to conduct best practices and follow CDC guidelines. The Airport is in communication with Teton County Public Health, and other local agencies to monitor and respond to efforts accordingly.

“It is our responsibility to provide the best environment we can while continuing to serve the needs of our community and the traveling public,” says JH Airport Director Jim Elwood. “We will continue to monitor COVID-19 locally and nationally, coordinate with community partners, and implement policies and procedures as needed.”

All written comments that have been made or are received by 12pm on March 17th will be included in the Airport Board record and will be reviewed by the Airport Board. Public comments may be submitted by email at board@jhairport.com.

Teton County Health Department has activated a local hotline number for updated information on COVID-19.

COVID-19 Hot Line: 307-732-8628
