Board Education I Travel Criteria:

Purpose:  To establish recommended criteria for travel and education for Board members

1. Board members will have airfare, registration, hotel and other direct expenses reimbursed to attend and participate in meetings and education sessions that are related to their service to the airport.

2. Participation by spouses or family that may travel with the member is accepted and encouraged given the broader leadership role expected of the However, expenses related to the spouse or families traveling with a Board member are the responsibility of the member with the exception of hotel expenses.  If there is a difference in the hotel’s single rate and an additional person, the airport will pay for this incremental difference. The airport will not pay for spouse or family conference registration.

3. Per Diem will be paid at the standard rate established for all.

4. Full Coach airfare should be purchased, when available.

5. Board members that attend conferences are expected to attend as many sessions as possible and upon returning are expected to brief their fellow members by sharing key points learned during the meetings that will benefit their colleagues and the airport.

6. All other travel criteria will be the same travel policies in place for airport staff.

7. Priority for attendance specific educational and other training will be in the following order with the exception of the National AAAE or ACI Annual Conference in which the full Board’s participation is encouraged.

    • Incoming President at the time of registration
    • Member with the shortest time serving on the Board at the time of registration.
    • If neither the incoming President nor the shortest serving members can attend, then other Board members can fill the education and training opportunity.
    • If an additional Board member(s) desire to attend an educational and training opportunity and it does not fall under the priority shown above, the airport recognizes that the benefit of the member’s attendance and will reimburse for hotel and airfare.