Jackson Hole Airport Southern Departure Procedure Study Input Taskforce Meeting – February 10, 2022

Jackson Hole Airport Southern Departure Procedure Study Input Taskforce Meeting – February 10, 2022

The Jackson Hole Airport Board has engaged a team of consultants to undertake a Southern Departure Procedure Study. The purpose of the Study is to further investigate the feasibility of a procedure for southern departures that could reduce noise for the entire community.  The Study will determine if one or more alternative procedures are feasible and if so, to conceptually design and submit them to the FAA. The intent of the Study is to build upon the well-developed existing noise abatement program in place at the Airport and look for ways to further reduce noise without shifting noise over others, using the most current technologies available.

In connection with the Study, a Southern Departure Procedure Study Input Taskforce (SIT) is being organized to provide stakeholder input and consultation on the process.  The SIT will be made up of stakeholder representatives and will be chaired by Valerie Brown, an Airport Board member. Its goals will be to address stakeholder questions, ensure understanding of the Airport’s and FAA’s roles, the challenges of designing such procedures, FAA standards and criteria, and constraints to flying certain procedures.  Importantly, the SIT will also provide a vehicle for stakeholder and public input to the procedure design consultants, and thus the Airport Board Decisions regarding recommendations to the FAA will be made by the Airport Board.

It is anticipated that approximately three SIT meetings will take place at the Airport during the eight-month life of the Study, with completion in early fall 2022. The first meeting will be held on February 10, 2022, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm in the Wort Hotel, Jackson Room.

The public is invited to join virtually via the WebEx link provided below.  This link will also be available on the Airports homepage at www.jacksonholeairport.com on the day of the meeting. Comments may be submitted by sending an email to southerndepartureprocedurecomments@jhairport.org.

WebEx Link:


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Webinar password: SDPT (7378 from phones)

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