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Temporary Closure for Highway 89 from Moose to Moran on February 8th from 9am – 4pm
JACKSON, WY- Grand Teton National Park and Wyoming Game and Fish are jointly responding to a situation of wild bison that have gored multiple horses on private land within the park. Wyoming Game and Fish personnel have been working with the landowner and have made multiple attempts to haze the bison away. However, the situation continues and includes approximately 100 bison.
On Friday, February 8, from approximately 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. U.S. Highway 89 will be temporarily closed between Moose and Moran to move the bison herd to southern winter ranges. If less time is needed to move the bison herd, the temporary closure will be adjusted accordingly. It is also possible that additional time may be needed to move the herd. Variable message signs will be placed along the road to remind and update motorists of the temporary closure, and the park’s road information line will have updated information at 307-739-3682.
Bison can be difficult to move, especially in the snow depths that have accumulated over the past week. Consequently, wildlife managers have decided the best option is to encourage the bison out onto the plowed highway where they can easily walk several miles away from the private land to an area where the animals can find natural forage away from livestock.
For safety purposes, no one will be allowed on the highway during the temporary closure due to the number of bison, snow depths and high snow banks along the road. Access will be allowed for emergency vehicles.
Park road crews will plow a portion of the Antelope Flats Road to facilitate safe movement of the bison if the herd travels that far south. This road will remain closed to vehicle travel, other than a one-mile section that is routinely plowed from the highway.
Motorists traveling within the park are highly encouraged to slow down and remain alert to wildlife nearby and on the road. When winter road conditions exist, please drive accordingly. Any collision with wildlife must be reported as soon as possible to Teton Interagency Dispatch at 307-739-3301.